Access subsidised home care webinar
Wednesday 3 February 12 PM
Aged care services are many and varied and at times, difficult to navigate.
It is also a topic we are passionate about because home care services can be an integral service offering to help people remain independent and safe in there your own home, for as long as possible.
This educational webinar will equip you with the essential information needed to either help your client, loved-one or yourself access subsided home care.
ESTIMATED LENGTH: ~ 35 minutes
Presented by Luisa Capezio, aged care advisor, this webinar will share, in simple steps, what process to follow to access subsidised home care.
Topics covered:
- When is it time for help in the home and who is eligible?
- Home care options
- What is consumer-directed care?
- Steps to access subsidised home care
- Selecting a home care provider
- Understanding the costs of home care
- Covering the costs