Waiting for a home care package
The latest Home Care Packages Program Data Report shows that despite a significant number of new home care packages being released over the last year, the wait is still long.
As at 30 September 2019 there were 112,237 people on the waiting list. This is a shorter waiting queue than existed in the previous quarter (down from 119,524) but clients should still expect waits of more than a year – particularly if waiting for a Level 3 or 4 package.
The number of people receiving a home care package as at 30 September 2019 was 30% higher than twelve months prior. In the September 2019 quarter alone, 48,100 home care packages were released.
While the list is long, almost 50,000 of those waiting receive a lower level package as an interim measure. This keeps them in the queue but provides some government assistance. Most of the others have been referred to Commonwealth Home Support Services for interim assistance.
Fortunately, it does not have to be an all or nothing situation.
Contact luisa@phillipswp.com.au to receive a free guide to set you up to access entry-level subsidised care while waiting on the national queue to access a Home Care Package.
This simple guide covers how to:
- engage with the home care aged care system,
- understand what services are available under the government subsidised schemes to help you stay at home,
- the process of accessing these services and
- the associated costs.
Phillips Wealth Partners.
It is our job to help individuals and families navigate the aged care system to find the best solution for loved ones who need support to stay at home or are ready to take the next step into residential aged care or retirement living. Contact us on 0422 004 198 or visit www.phillipswp.com.au
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